Well, where can we start.......?
Neolithic Megaliths, Merovingian Necropoli, Medieval Cities, Abbatiales and Collégiales, Cathedrals, Abbeys, Museums, Art Galleries, Ancient Chateaux & Citadels, and evening Concerts held in Romanesque Churches.
Here in west-central France (formerly known as Aquitaine or Aquitania)
we are surrounded by history.
During the 2nd century, Poitiers (3/4 hr away from La Trimouille) was the capital of the Roman province of Gallia Aquitania ; by the mid 300's it was evangelised and 400 years later at the Battle of Poitiers in 732 came the first decisive Christian victory over Muslims in Europe - a pivotal moment in time
and of far reaching import to Christian Europe.
The second great Battle of Poitiers was in 1356 when the English (by virtue of the long bow) were victorious over the French after the 100 years war.
By the early 1400's royal power (English) had been transferred from Paris to Poitiers. Joan of Arc was subject to a formal inquest held in Poitiers in 1429 and two years later, in 1431, was burned at the stake.
That same year, the University of Poitiers was established, which, by the 16th century, was second only in size to Paris (and today has more students per inhabitant than any other city in France).
Eleanor of Aquitaine, the mother of Richard the Lionheart (of Crusader fame), is closely associated with Poitiers and often held court there (interestingly her grandfather's castle, Chateau Guillaume, built in the latter part of the 12th century, is just 15 minutes up the road).
Poitiers is also home to both the oldest church in France - the 4th century Baptistère Saint-Jean, and the oldest roman church in Europe,
the Église Notre-Dame la Grande.
Another note of interest is that La Trimouille is sited almost squarely on the theoretical linguistic line that separates the two ancient languages of langue d'oîl (of the north) and langue d'oc of the south(occitane).
Our region generally provided strong resistance to Vichy France and we are less than an hour's drive north of Oradour-sur-Glane, the town the Germans massacred and razed to the ground in 1944, and which de Gaulle
ordered to be prreserved as a memorial to all of those
whose lives were lost from this tragic incident.
Just 20 km south east of Oradour is Limoges, founded by the Romans in 10 BC and famous for its medieval enamelwork and, during the 19th century, its production of fine porcelain (producing even today
over 50% of France's porcelain).
Limoges flourished as an artistic centre from the 11th century on but never recovered after the Abbey of St.Martiale (which housed the library that attracted scholars from far and near) was sacked during the French Revolution in 1792.
Historical monuments and sites (megaliths) from the very early part of the Neolithic age (ie 4,500-3,300BC) and early Bronze Age - menhirs and dolmens - can be found scattered less than an hour's driving distance from La Trimouille.
We have also amazing sites from the Merovingian (5th century) to the Carolingian period (ending 9th century).
In fact, less than half an hour's drive away is Civaux, historically a centre of religiosity for both the Romans and various pagan groups
from the "Dark Ages" (aka Middle Ages).
There you will see a remarkable Merovingian necropolis (an above ground burial site) with sarcophagi carved out of stone.
And the list of "must-sees" does not stop here............for, in the summer months, throughout this region, you will be able to experience something quite remarkable - live evening concerts in ancient Roman churches.
Cultural Pursuits

Recent History - Oradour-sur-Glane